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¹ Geoffrey VanderPal, D.B.A, CFP, CLU, CFS, RFC; Jack Marrion; and David F. Babbel, Ph.D.; “Real-World Index Annuity Returns”; http://www.fpanet.org/journal/currentissue/tableofcontents/realworldindexannuityreturns/; accessed 01/01/2013
*Equity Indexed Annuities (EIA, also known as Fixed Index Annuities – FIA) are tax deferred products; they are not tax free. When withdraws are made from an EIA – the portion of the withdrawal that is not principal will be taxed at applicable income tax rates. Premature distributions (before age 59 1/2) may be subject to an IRS penalty of 10%, in addition to applicable income taxes. If receiving a bonus with an EIA purchase, you may incur higher surrender charges and be subject to a longer surrender period. Tax-qualified assets (e.g. IRA or Roth IRA assets) in EIA’s may not be eligible for additional tax benefits. Investors should have adequate resources to cover liquidity needs. EIA’s are not: a deposit of any bank; FDIC insured; insured by any federal government agency; or guaranteed by any bank or savings association. Riders and guarantees may be available at additional cost and may not be available in all States. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing company.
*Equity Indexed Annuities (EIA, also known as Fixed Index Annuities – FIA) are tax deferred products; they are not tax free. When withdraws are made from an EIA – the portion of the withdrawal that is not principal will be taxed at applicable income tax rates. Premature distributions (before age 59 1/2) may be subject to an IRS penalty of 10%, in addition to applicable income taxes. If receiving a bonus with an EIA purchase, you may incur higher surrender charges and be subject to a longer surrender period. Tax-qualified assets (e.g. IRA or Roth IRA assets) in EIA’s may not be eligible for additional tax benefits. Investors should have adequate resources to cover liquidity needs. EIA’s are not: a deposit of any bank; FDIC insured; insured by any federal government agency; or guaranteed by any bank or savings association. Riders and guarantees may be available at additional cost and may not be available in all States. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing company.